Update on the Nanticoke Lenni Lenape Tribal Lawsuit

We are excited that we can bring information that will help those in need of a healthy balance. 
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Health, Goals and Food,The Indigenous Way

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F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R

Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribe Update

Rev. Dr. Norwood and Chief Mark Gould


Many Tribal Community members have been wondering what the update on the lawsuit is for the tribe.
Well, there are actually two lawsuits, one in federal court and one in state court. Each addresses different aspects of the case that we have against the state regarding our recognition. The most recent action is our response to the state’s effort to have our case dismissed in state court, which was the same argument they used to try having it dismissed in federal court. Our responses have been filed and we are awaiting determinations in each court. If we prevail, the case will proceed to a hearing.
According to tribal leaders, there are many goals aimed at securing the tribe’s future, but in regard to our current legal situation, it is having our status as a state recognized tribe reaffirmed.
It is very important to retain our status and there are benefits and protections that are restricted to the governments and citizens of state or federally recognized tribes, including: Census Bureau and SBA programs; voting membership in NCAI; claiming “American Indian Made” on arts and crafts; scholarships; certain types of funding; etc.
The affects are devastating to local business owned by the tribe and its’ members.  Selling arts and crafts as “American Indian Made” without the artisan being a member of a state or federally recognized tribe comes with severe federal penalties. SBA programs for disadvantaged businesses require that American Indian owners be citizens of state or federally recognized tribes. Such affiliation is not required for any other minority or disadvantaged population, but is required for American Indians.
Local tribal members feel total frustration in this situation! There is a sense of outrage over the state’s duplicity. Anger over how history repeats itself with our people having promises broken and rights denied over and over again.
Once again, the holdup is the Attorney General’s Office which has denied state recognition on federal reports. Even though they subsequently admitted that they were in error, they have declined to fix the situation they created.
The tribe plans to celebrate when recognition gets restored! Hopefully it will stimulate our efforts with restricted grants and inspire an entrepreneurial spirit among the citizens, taking advantage of programs available to them.
Healthy Aging in Our Body and Mind

As we all grow older, we notice many changes in our in our body and mind. 
Getting older is something we cannot control, but how we age we have total control over, so taking charge now is very important. It is always best to start as young as possible with your routines. Our diets change as we grow older, and our body starts to loose nutrients that it requires to stay healthy.  As we grow older, our body absorbs fewer vitamins that it needs to stay strong. Taking supplements to increase your daily vitamin intake, and increasing activities will keep you strong. Read More at http://www.theindigenousway.com/art-of-aging.html#body
What Goal Setting Activities Are Important

Goal setting activities are crucial when you are deciding what you want your life to become many years from now. A few of the benefits you will receive as a result of defining and setting major goals in life are peace of mind and focus.
Here are some of the goal setting activities that can help you:
  1. Use your mind and talents fully. Maximize what has been given you. If you are aware that you are capable of things that other people are not, make it work to your advantage in a way that helps others.
  2. Have more purpose and direction in life. Believe it or not, there are many people who only discover what they want in life in later years. It is important to have specific goals early on in life to be able to have more time to work on them and bring them into reality. Read more at http://www.theindigenousway.com/art-of-aging.html#goal
Omega 3 Oils Are Essential Nutrients

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage, at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.
Researchers in Denmark in the 1970's found that the Inuit people in Greenland, showed a much lower rate of cardiovascular problems than the people of most places. The answers that were found in this research showed that even though the Intuit people had a high consumption of fats, they were actually fats from fish, Seals, Whales and other sea foods, in fact they were Omega 3 fatty acids. Read more at http://www.theindigenousway.com/art-of-aging.html#oils
Dear fans and supporters of The Indigenous Way:

We are excited that we can bring information that will help those in need of a healthy balance.  The world is a whole, and we are a part of the picture. The Indigenous way of living refers to the lifestyle of those that inhabited the earth many years ago.  Specific ways varied among original man, but all indigenous living is based on the understanding that man is part of the world as a whole and it is a matter of balance.

The natural world thrives when its interrelationships is honored, nurtured and kept in harmony. Just as each human has an immeasurable inner life which powerfully influences well-being, so does nature have that balance that include forces which must remain integrated with us for true balance.

We are aware that not all information supports everyone, however, if we can help a few to be healthy, than it  is worth the endeavor of our knowledge and efforts.
Be Your Indigenous Self.

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