New Book "The Blossoms of Bright Flower" Anthology

A new book by Tyrese Gould Jacinto is available on!

Take a journey with me, Bright Flower, starting at the age of 13 in 1976 through 2020. I know that this book is different from traditional Anthologies. However, I felt that it best represents my expressions. It is not a mistake that my name is Bright Flower, and this book is a compilation of my writings as my flowers' blossoms. 

I chose the name "The Blossoms of Bright Flower" because it represents my blossoming from the time that I was a child through life today. I decided to create a colorful array of pictures to accompany this Anthology. This creation is in celebration of my Native American heritage, as a part of my expressions, and the illustrator captured each thought with beautiful images with deep hidden meanings by using colors and patterns that enhance the reading and thought experience. 

January 26, 2020, Bridgeton, New Jersey, USA

I share my struggle as a member of the Nanticoke Lenni Lenape people, right here in the southern rural area of New Jersey. Within these pages, you will encounter many different feelings and emotions as I acclimated as a member of a lost and forgotten community and people. It is so hard to believe that in my day, we still live with discrimination. It's hard to comprehend that the Native American population did not have the freedom of religion until 1978. 

Before this act, most American Indian cultural, religious practices were illegal. Even after the legalization of religious liberty, Native Americans were under the scrutiny of providing proof that we also had the right to practice our religion. This Anthology starts with a poem called "A Culture" and ends many years later with experience to close with a poem called "Community. "I genuinely hope that you will enjoy reading this Anthology.

You can follow my author page at the following link to receive updates on the release of this book and others to come: Tyrese Gould Jacinto, Author
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