From Soil to Soul: Cultivating Ancestral Artistry with Homegrown Gourds

​Many individuals yearn for a sense of belonging and connection to their ancestral roots in an increasingly fast-paced and disconnected world. For me, as an artist, the process of working with homegrown gourds is not only a creative endeavor but also a powerful symbol of the cyclical nature of life, connecting the past, present, and future. By nurturing my gourds that originated from the seeds of my Cohanzick Indigenous ancestors, they forge a profound bond with my heritage and the land that sustained my people for thousands of years. This artistic journey serves as a tangible representation of the intricate interplay between the dust of my ancestors, the seeds of our life, and the flowing waters that unite us all.
​As I walk upon the dust of my ancestors, the journey of working art from my homegrown gourds begins with acknowledging the sacred dust of our ancestors, which lies dormant in the soil. For me, as an artist, the land where my Cohanzick Indigenous ancestors once thrived becomes a living testament to my heritage. The act of planting gourd seeds in this ancestral soil is a symbolic connection to the past, invoking a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility towards my lineage. As the seeds take root and grow, they draw nourishment from the very essence of my ancestors, transforming the dusty soil into a medium for creativity and remembrance.
As I plant the seed of life, as the gourd seeds sprout and flourish, they embody the life force that connects my generations. These seeds passed down through time carry with them my ancestors' stories, wisdom, and resilience. Each gourd is a vessel for the collective memory of my people, and as I tend to my growth, I am reminded of the profound intergenerational bond that transcends time and space. I nurture the seed, just as my ancestors nurtured the land, preserving my cultural heritage and embracing the potential for new growth and expression.
​The flowing water, the lifeblood of my existence, is essential to my journey as an artist. Just as water courses through rivers and nourishes the land, it also flows within my body, connecting me to the past, present, and future. By infusing my creative process with this vital element, I acknowledge the inseparable connection between myself and my ancestors. Water serves as a conduit for my artistic energy, enabling me to breathe life into my gourds and channel the creative spirit of my Cohanzick Indigenous heritage.

The past, present, and future of my artistic experiences are the full circle of life in working art from my homegrown gourds. I witness the ancient wisdom of my ancestors, symbolized by the dust in the soil. I embrace the vitality of the present, represented by the seeds of life that sprout and grow. Finally, I envisage a future where my artistic expression becomes a legacy for generations to come, inspiring others to reconnect with our ancestral roots and honor the land that sustains us all.
​The act of working art from homegrown gourds holds profound meaning for me as an artist who seeks to establish a deep connection with my Cohanzick Indigenous heritage. By tending to the seeds, harnessing the nourishment of the soil, and infusing my artistic process with the flowing waters, they create a poignant symbol of the cyclical nature of life. This beautiful journey, as an artist, I honor my ancestors and become a conduit for my cultural heritage to thrive in the present and shape the future. Through my art, I inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery, weaving a tapestry that binds humanity together across time and space.

from "BRIGHT FLOWER" - New!


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