Into Winter's Embrace of Luwànàn'tu

​Twenty-eight days journeying with the Cohanzick Lenape, the new moon, December 12th, quietly fell over the land as the sun glowed from below the Mother, and we slept as we recognized the power of the year's longest night. This time is not merely a seasonal shift but a sacred portal into a time of profound introspection and renewal. The darkness becomes a sacred space for reflection, a time to turn inwards and contemplate the past year's lessons while planting seeds for future growth.
Let us view winter as a necessary period of dormancy, a time for the earth and all living things to rest and replenish. Just as the land slumbers let us also slow down, allowing our minds and bodies to relax and rejuvenate. Let This period of stillness not be seen as inactivity but as a vital preparation for the spring's burgeoning life.
​Let us engage in practices that nourish our spirits and minds during the long nights. Let us gather around crackling fires, sharing stories that we pass down through generations that carry our ancestors' wisdom and values. Let our stories serve as guiding lights, reminding us of who we are and the values we hold dear.
Let us meditate, which plays a crucial role in our winter rest. In the quiet stillness of the night, we delve into the depths of our being, reflecting on our experiences, acknowledging our accomplishments, and learning from our mistakes. This introspection allows us to better understand ourselves and our place within the grand life cycle.
The Cohanzick Longhouse Sanctuary, nestled in the heart of the Lenape homeland, would like to offer a unique perspective to connect with our ancient knowledge. Here, under the watchful eyes of elders and knowledgeable practitioners, we can:
  • Embark on guided meditations: Led by experienced guides, these meditations allow participants to cultivate inner peace and delve into self-reflection.
  • Immerse ourselves in storytelling: Gather around a crackling fire and listen to traditional stories whispered through generations, gaining insights into the values and wisdom of the Lenape people.
  • Learn from indigenous crafts: Visitors can engage in mindful creativity through the intricate art of basket weaving or beadwork, allowing our hands to create. At the same time, our minds find solace in the rhythmic movements.
  • Reconnect with nature: Guided nature walks offer a chance to immerse oneself in the winter landscape, appreciating the quiet beauty of the leaf-covered earth and reconnecting with the natural world.
  • Find solace in quiet contemplation: The tranquil atmosphere of the Longhouse provides ample space for personal reflection, allowing visitors to find peace and clarity amidst the stillness of the long winter nights.
By embracing the wisdom of the Cohanzick Lenape tradition, we can value the winter months not as a time of emptiness but as a season of profound potential. It is a time to slow down, turn inwards, and emerge from the darkness with renewed purpose, ready to embrace the growth and possibilities of the coming year.
​So, as the longest night descends, let us open our hearts and minds to the wisdom of the Lenape people and embark on a journey of introspection and renewal alongside us.
​This New Moon Winter Celebration is about embracing justice and loyalty. It reflects the changing seasons and a time to embody the Twelfth Key: "Treat all with Justice and Loyalty." It brings us great joy to explore the profound teachings encapsulated in the book "Twenty Twenty-One: Unlock Your Blessings Paperback," particularly emphasizing this key aspect of justice and loyalty.
In the spirit of honoring the new moon winter and the principles of justice and loyalty, we pose important questions inspired by ancient wisdom. What guidance do the wisest sages offer in teachings when we feel unjustly treated or lack loyalty from others? How can we navigate such situations, especially during this auspicious time?
Join us as we contemplate these queries and seek insights into our actions and responses. In times of perceived injustice, what can we learn from the teachings of the Lenape wisdom to foster positive change? How can meditation become a powerful tool for transformation and a source of guidance during these challenging moments?
Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the age-old wisdom passed down through generations. Together, we aim to unlock the keys to cultivating justice and loyalty within ourselves and our communities, fostering a positive change that resonates far beyond the winter solstice.
Please tune in to our special Podcast episode, Art of Prosperity, as we embrace the magic of the new moon winter and unlock the transformative power of justice, loyalty, and self-reflection. May this season bring you warmth, enlightenment, and the courage to gracefully navigate the shadows.
We are wishing you all a blessed and reflective Luwànàn'tu! 

from "BRIGHT FLOWER" - New!


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